Here are the Top Cut Results and Deck Lists for the OP season. Look for an update to the Power Level Chart to reflect these results soon.

West Kai
Champion: Henry Johnson: 9,001 (Blue Protective Buu *H*)
2nd: Derek Faraji: 2,500 (Blue Tag Vegeta *V*)
3rd: Erik Johnson:1,000 (Saiyan Rampaging Vegeta *H*)
4th: Jacob Shrum: 1,000 (Blue Resourceful Frieza)
5th: Paul Murillo: 500 (Red Ascension Vegeta *H*)
6th: Ty Tracey: 500 (Red Ruthless Frost)

Grand Kai
Champion: Paul Murillo: 9,001 (Red Ruthless Vegeta *H*)
2nd: Frank DeLuca: 2,500 (Namekian Knowledge Dende)
3rd: Michael Martin: 1,000 (Orange Energetic Vegito)
4th: Jeff Sosa: 1,000 (Namekian Knowledge Piccolo)
5th: Erik Johnson: 500 (Saiyan Rampaging Vegeta *H*)
6th: Joel Luccion: 500 (Orange Adaptive Goku)

Supreme Kai
Champion: Wayne Bettis: 9,001 (Namekian Empowered Piccolo)
2nd: Brandon Biggers: 2,500 (Namekian Knowledge Dende)
3rd: Daniel Behee: 1,000 (Blue Protective Krillin)
4th: Andrew Bjornstadt: 1,000 (Black Perceptive Tenshinhan)
5th: Axel Bailey: 500 (Blue Resolute Tenshinhan)
6th: Don Short: 500 (Black Mischievous Krillin)
7th: Mario Wndorff: 500 (Namekian Enlightened Piccolo)
8th: Michael Lusk: 500 (Red Ascension Mastery Trunks)

Thanks again to all who have attended FanZ events this season and congrats again to our new Kai Champions! Good luck to all of those attending other OP events this season.

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